The Youth Service Committee is one of five “avenue of service” committees of the Rotary Club of Evergreen.  The objective of the committee is to recognize the positive changes implemented by youth and young adults through leadership development activities such as RYLA, Interact, Rotaract, and Rotary Youth Exchange.
RYLA – Rotary Youth Leadership Awards is a life-changing leadership training program for young men and women where leadership skills and principles are learned, developed and enhanced in an atmosphere of trust and respect.   Two one-week RYLA Conferences for 240 participants are held in the summer at the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park, Colorado.  Any high school sophomore or junior may apply to attend RYLA.  The Rotary Club of Evergreen typically sponsors about five high school students per year to attend the RYLA Conference at a cost to the Club of $500 per student.  Use the link at the left to learn more about RYLA.
Young RYLA - Young RYLA is a version of RYLA geared to 7th graders.  It is a leadership training program that promotes, encourages and rewards outstanding young people.  An all-expenses paid five-day camp, YRYLA brings together a special group of boys and girls from Northern Colorado, Wyoming and Western Nebraska to share ideas about becoming better leaders.  Similar to RYLA, the Rotary Club of Evergreen typically sponsors about five students each year for YRYLA at a cost of $500 per student.  Use the link at the left to learn more about Young RYLA.
Young Rotary/Interact – Young Rotary/Interact is a club for youth who want to connect with others in their community or school. Interact club members have fun and learn leadership skills while carrying out service projects. Interact clubs organize at least two service projects a year: one that benefits their community and one that encourages international understanding. The Rotary Club of Evergreen hosts the Young Rotary Club at Evergreen High School each school year.  A Rotary club member serves as Counselor to the Young Rotary Club and is present at meetings and activities.  Use the link at left to learn more about the Evergreen High School Interact Club. Visit our Instagram page.
Youth Exchange -Youth Exchange is a study-abroad opportunity for young people who spend anywhere from a few weeks to a full year as an international student hosted by local Rotary clubs.  Exchanges are for youth ages 15–19 who have demonstrated leadership in their school and community, are flexible and willing to try new things, are open to cultural differences, and can serve as an ambassador for their own country. 
  • Inbound - In recent years, the Rotary Club of Evergreen has hosted one inbound student per year at a cost of about $2,200 per year.  In order to have this student, the club needs to find three host families to host the student, each for a three-month period. The host families do not need to be Rotary members.  A decision to host an inbound student, including identification of host families, must be made in November of each year for the following academic year. 
  • Outbound - The Club also hosts one or more outbound students each year.  There is no cost to the Club for outbound students.  Interested students need to contact the club for interviews during the summer months one year in advance of the academic year of interest.  Club volunteers usually conduct interviews and make selections right after school starts in the fall.  As with inbound students, a decision for the club to host a outgoing student must be made in November of the preceding academic year.
Use the links at the left to learn more about these specific youth services programs.