The goal of Club Service is to enhance each Rotarian’s club experience by creating various opportunities for members to engage in fellowship, personal & professional growth and community building activities.
Breakfast Meeting Programs & Speakers: Provides our membership with inspirational programs and speakers that enhance each Rotarian’s personal & professional growth opportunities.
Hospitality Team: This committee helps ensure that we offer a welcoming environment for our morning meetings. Volunteers help with preparations, set up and greeting members and guests.
Technology Support Team: This is a vital club service that helps support all the technology needs for our morning meetings.
Sergeant-at-Arms: This service role is to help provide assistant at our morning meetings and to enhance membership engagement through various inspirations, entertainment and collection of Happy Bucks.
Club Hosted Dining Celebrations & Events: Our club hosts a variety of themed dinner celebrations, some of which include the Holiday Party, Changing of the Guard Party, Area 8 Assembly Dinner and a Signature Fundraiser Event. These special events offer a unique time to celebrate with their fellow Rotarians.
Rowdy Rotarian Events: Evening fellowship events that are located at various locations in our area and include a variety of engaging programs. Participation in these events offer an ideal time for our members to collaborate with each other and get to know newer members. This alternative atmosphere offers a great opportunity to introduce potential new members to our club in a less structured setting.
Dine Around Events: Any member may be a host or guest at individual Rotarian’s homes for a social dinner setting. These events provide a wonderful opportunity for fellowship between new and veteran members.
Family of Rotary: This club service helps keep our membership informed of life events that may affect our members and their families. Family of Rotary plays a crucial role in maintaining our personal connections between our members.
Rotary Book Discussion Group: All members are welcome to join in our club’s ongoing book discussions which are hosted at various Rotarian’s homes. Each book is carefully selected and the discussions are guided by one of our Rotarians.