The Vocational Service Committee is one of five “avenue of service” committees of the Rotary Club of Evergreen. Its objective is to promote business associations and networking within the Club and to encourage and foster high ethical standards in business throughout our community. We do this through a variety of activities, including:
- Sponsoring an “Ethics in Business Award” open to persons in any profession or business in the community regardless of membership in Rotary.
- Maintaining a “Business Directory” for Club members (see link at left).
- Providing a "Use Rotary First" referral service for members and the general public who wish to do business with Rotary members. Anyone may get a referral by using the Contact Us link (last tab on the homepage menu).
- Recognition of the worthiness of all occupations to society, and linking the talents of members to solving problems and meeting needs in the community.
- Arranging for talks about specific vocations by club members.
- Inspiring others to act ethically by setting an example in our own business practices.
- Guiding others, particularly younger members, to achieve their professional goals and objectives.
- Serve as mentors to youth in the community to help them with career choices and in achieving their career aspirations.
Any member of the Club may be a member of the Vocational Service Committee. For information contact Vocational Service Committee Chair, Davis Linden, 303-526-0133, or Davis.Linden@edwardjones.com.